
The most important thing to take into consideration when helping your teen hunt for a summer job is finding a job that fits them. If your teen is a clean freak, you may want to steer him or her away from a job in landscaping. However, if your teen loves the sun and the water, a lifeguard job might just be right up his or her alley. Keeping these things in mind, I’ve compiled a list of some of the best summer jobs for teens in and around Missoula.

Retail Sales - If you have a social teen, they will probably enjoy working with the public. Not only will they learn how to work hard, they will also learn how to deal better with people in all types of situations.

Food Preparation - This may not be the most fun job for a teen, but lots of teens have jobs in this industry. This is a great way for teens to learn a little about cooking and food prep. Your teen may be more willing to help you with dinner so they can show off their skills they’ve learned at their job.

Life Guard - Most teens love being outside in the summer. Actually, most adults would love to be outside during the summer too. What teen wouldn’t love to get a tan and get paid for it?

Babysitter - If your teen loves kids, then a job where they play with kids all day probably won’t seem like much of a job to them at all. There are lots of families out there who need a babysitter for the summer months while their young school age kids are out of school.

Waitress/Waiter - This job will keep your teen on their feet their entire shift. Waiting tables can be a very rewarding, and very difficult, job. Your teen will learn how to deal with the public and hone their short term memory skills.

Joy Larson is a mother of four, graduate of the University of Montana, animal lover and writer.

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