On Friday, Missoula police reported an incident in which a boy was standing outside Willard Alternative School when he was approached by a suspicious man.

NBC Montana reports a boy was standing outside the school waiting for a ride home around 6 p.m. Tuesday night.

Officials said the student reported a man with stringy, gray hair pulled up in an old, red car and asked the boy if he wanted to warm up in the car or get a ride home. The boy reportedly turned and ran back to the school.

MCPS issued an email and a phone alert to parents later on Friday afternoon. NBC Montana reports officials said they didn't issue an immediate alert because they weren't sure of the person's intent and didn't want to cause alarm.

"The school district is alerting parents and we felt that it would be a good idea to put out this description just in case anybody else happens to see this man or has a similar experience or can help us identify who it is," Missoula County Public Information Officer Travis Welsh said.

Welsh said the boy described the man as older and having stringy grey hair. Further investigation reported a school resource officer was making extra patrols around the school.

To call about any information regarding the incident, call Mark Puddy at 406-552-6300 extension 3356.

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