It's time once again for the annual Christmas gift wrapping event at Missoula's Red's Bar.


   This is a cool deal for a couple of different reasons. First, you get to hang out and enjoy beverages at Red's while local volunteers make your Christmas packages look like you personally spent weeks wrapping gifts. Next, it's based on donations. Each year, Joan, Laurie and their crew of volunteers accept donations for their time and hard work. Since all of the gift wrap is donated by the kind folks at locally owned Party America, 100% of the donations go to a local family in need.

The family that will benefit from this year's event is the family of little baby Addalyn Ployhar. Learn more about Addalyn and her family's story on Facebook and also here.

This is always a fun time and easy way to help out a local family in need while getting a major holiday chore checked off your list. Thanks in advance for your help, see you there!

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