An arrest was made Tuesday morning in relation to the general alarm fire last Thursday at the Vantage Villa apartments. Missoula Fire Marshall Gordy Hughes said the charges could include arson or felony criminal endangerment.

"The Missoula Police Department in cooperation with the Missoula Fire Department's investigators made an arrest in connection with last week's structure fire over at the Vantage Villa Apartments," Hughes said. "The apartment complex sustained significant damage after crews responded last Thursday at about 3:00 in the afternoon. Firefighters finally gained the upper hand at about 8:30 p.m."

Hughes said no one was injured, but residents of the complex under the administration of the Missoula Housing Authority, are still in temporary housing.

"All the occupants are still displaced," Hughes said. "The Missoula Housing Authority is under the gun to get those folks set up, because right now they're still living at a local motel."

Charging documents have not yet been released from the Missoula County Attorney's office, but Hughes said the suspect will appear Wednesday afternoon in justice court.

Missoula Fire Marshall Gordy Hughes


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