The last convoy of us troops to leave Iraq entered Kuwait late Sunday, nearly nine years after the invasion that toppled Saddam Hussein. At the peak of the operation there were 170,000 U. S. troops and more than 500 bases in Iraq. Nearly 4,500 U. S. soldiers and tens of thousands of Iraqis have died since the U. S. led campaign began in 2003. The war affected families in nearly every community, including Missoula. 19 year-old U. S. Marine Lance Corporal Andrew Bedard was killed by an improvised explosive device in October of 2005. His father, Denny Bedard, KYSS-FM announcer and salesperson for Town Square Media, remembers the many people who have provided love and support for him and Andrew’s mother interview with Denny Bedard is attached.

The operation in Iraq cost nearly $1 trillion, while the fighting continues in Afghanistan.

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