Montana Gas prices went up again over the second week of August, but the rise appears to be slowing.

"Average prices across Montana really haven't moved a lot," said Petroleum analyst Patrick DeHaan. "It seems like the upward increases have really run out of steam. Over the last week, Montana's average price for a gallon of gas has increased by just four-tenths of a penny."

While prices in Montana seems to be climbing at an extremely slow pace, the national average is falling.

"Average prices in Montana are $3.70 a gallon," said DeHaan. One week ago they were $3.69. Prices a month ago were $3.60. If we go all the way back a year, prices were $3.50. The national average currently stands at $3.58, that's three cents lower than where it was a month ago when it was $3.61. It's quite a bit lower, about ten cents lower, than the price a year ago when the national average stood at $3.68 a gallon."

"The current price in Montana is high, even if you look at a five year average. Dehaan says that increasing fuel prices are a side effect of a recovering economy and that the lower prices in 2011 and before, were do partly, to a more stagnant economy.

Patrick Dehaan:

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