A two-vehicle head-on crash near Bonner has sent two women to St. Patrick Hospital with serious injuries.

Montana Highway Patrol trooper Nicholas Navarro said on Tuesday, January 21, that the accident occurred near mile marker four on Highway 200 near Bonner.

"At this time it does appear that one vehicle lost control and crossed the double yellow line entering the other lane and crashed into the other vehicle, however, it is unclear at this time why it happened," Navarro said. "Two vehicles were involved, a small GMC pickup truck and a Pontiac passenger car. Each vehicle had only one occupant, and both the drivers were female."

Navarro, speaking from St.Patrick Hospital's Emergency Room, said an investigation is underway, and it was unknown as of 4:00 p.m. if either speed or alcohol were involved in the crash. He said both the women were injured and transported to the hospital, but the extent of their injuries was unknown.

Montana Highway Patrol trooper Nicholas Navarro

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