With 37% of teens reporting drinking in the past 30 days, 20% reporting binge drinking in the past two weeks, and 8% reporting drinking and driving, alcohol is clearly the drug of choice for Missoula youth.

With these facts in hand, Missoula Underage Substance Abuse Committee coordinator Brandee Tyree said "on Tuesday, April 16th at 7 p.m. at the UC Theater, we invite everyone to join us for an open dialogue about the influences of underage alcohol use on our kids."

Tyree outlined some of the guest speakers at Tuesday night's event. "We have pediatrician, Dr. Hope from Community Medical Center, Dr. Don Damschen and Katherine Kosma from St. Patrick Hospital. Dr. Damschen works in the emergency room, while Katherine Kosma presents the minor in possession classes at St. Pat's," Tyree said.

"There are two main things we hope to accomplish," Tyree added, "we think the more the community is discussing these things, the more likely change will come about, and also we want people to have factual information about what our kids are engaging in, so we know what to watch for."

A mock 'teenager's bedroom' will be on display to demonstrate the possible 'hidden' items in a teen bedroom that could be signs of drug and/or alcohol abuse.

There will be a question and answer session following presentations by the guest speakers. The presentation will be from 7 to 8:30 p.m. and admission is free.

Coordinator for Missoula Underage Substance Abuse Committee Brandy Tyree

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