One of the many fires burning in western Montana is the Morrell Complex, located not far from Seeley Lake.

Fire Information Officer Catherine Koele said the lightning-caused fires have consumed over 500 acres.

"Currently, we're sitting at just over 525 acres, and at about 17% containment," Koele said. "Our crews have done a great job of taking the fire to the northeast into dense timber and away from the town of Seeley Lake. Right now we have two hand crews, one from Missouri, and another from New Jersey."

Koele said there are several ways the public can assist firefighters in their efforts to keep the Morrell Complex fires from spreading.

"I appreciate the opportunity to talk to your listeners," she said. "We have so many lightning-caused fires right now, that we sure don't need any additional fires caused by people," Koele said. "Please be respectful of the trail closures and the restrictions to hikers and campers, and let's keep the damage to a minimum."

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