It's been over a year since Shane Todd died in Singapore. Todd's family believes he was murdered only hours after he quit his job at a high-tech firm, but government officials in Singapore claim that Shane committed suicide.

In May, the Todd family left Montana to attend a coroner's inquest trial in Singapore, but after encountering photo-shopped evidence, false testimony and procedural abuse, the family walked out of the trial in disgust. According to Shane's brother Dylan, the family is running out of ways to find justice.

"There's just nothing else we can do at this point," Dylan said. "We've done everything we can do government-wise. We just really want the media to put it out and people to decide for themselves what happened to Shane. It's just getting too hard... it's getting too hard to be the sole family pressuring all of these different governments. We really need help from other people, so if people could hop on board and help us out, that would be awesome."

Dylan described the Singapore hearings as a “kangaroo court” and said the evidence is better off in the court of public opinion. Though the trip to Singapore was largely a waste, the family did find sympathy in unlikely places.

"We asked this one random guy to take a picture of us, just so we would have a picture of our family in Singapore. Then, after he took the picture, he whispered to us 'everyone believes you' and then walked away. He was just a complete stranger, but he was too scared to say it out loud, because he was worried someone would tell on him or something. So this entire country is scared of their government."

Dylan says that the U.S. State Department did not help contribute evidence or testimony at the hearings.

“I don't know if they are doing an investigation,” Dylan said. “But if they are, they're not telling us anything and that is extremely frustrating.”

Dylan hopes that once people see the mounting evidence that his brother was murdered, they will pressure government into action by calling representatives of the U.S. Senate and House to ask for help in finding the truth.

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