The voluntary evacuation notice in the Rattlesnake area avalanche zone has been lifted.

Missoula Fire Chief Jason Diehl said on Thursday, March 6, that conditions around Mount Jumbo have improved since last Friday's fatal avalanche.

"As of noon today the voluntary evacuation in that area has been lifted," Diehl said. "I met with the staff from the avalanche center last night and with the warming conditions and the rain that we received last night, they're very confident that the avalanche hazard has decreased to the point that we could lift that advisory."

Diehl said clean-up around the avalanche site will have to wait for various factors.

"Right now, we're waiting for the property owners and the insurance companies to coordinate a clean-up effort," Diehl said. "Hopefully, they'll be getting some machinery in there shortly so they can really start to remove that debris from the area."

The City of Missoula has announced that Mount Jumbo remains closed, including the "L" trail, however, Mount Sentinel is now open. Citizens can call 552-6360 to report large pools of water on roads, and the street department will respond. To report potholes, visit this website.

Missoula City Fire Chief Jason Diehl



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