2nd Street Sushi is Back Open in Hamilton
Well we have been waiting a long time for this I feel. I love some good sushi, and even though it seems like an unusual place to have great sushi, it isn't. 2nd Street Sushi has reopened their doors.
This is great news for me and my fishy (literally) friends. I have some friends that enjoy good sushi and we love to eat a lot of it. Hamilton's sushi restaurant has received some high accolades. According to the Ravalli Republic they made the list of the Top 100 Asian Restaurants in 2011.
I guess there was a fire last summer and they are just getting things back together. I know a lot of people have been asking. Well it's back open but expect a wait, people have been salivating waiting for the return. Around the end of July is when it happened last year.
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