The chances of the Missoula college being located in East Missoula improved this week when an architectural firm returned an early draft of a feasibility study. Vice President of Administration and Finance at the University of Montana Michael Reed explains.

"We had put together a request to do a feasibility study on the east Broadway property to determine if that would be a possible location to put the Missoula College campus. We're looking at that right now, but basically the study was to look at the site and see if it was even possible to put the structures there: to see if we had any problems with zoning, flood plains, soil conditions and so forth. Right now, it looks positive."

UM president Royce Engstrom and Mayor John Engen have not yet had a chance to look at the details of the report. Reed says Engstrom will examine the report next week at which point it will be determined if another, more in depth study, is in order.

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