Missoula County Public Schools seeks Missoulians of all ages to participate in a new festival that will highlight both student and community artists, entertainers and experts during the week of Sunday, April 15 through Saturday, April 21. The festival will include a series of “creative events” where individuals and/or groups can showcase their music, art, dance, poetry, drama and other creative expressions throughout the week. Venues will be set up all over the city offering visitors and attendees a week of music festivities, visual and performing arts, special demonstrations of unique skills and talents, and much more in a family friendly atmosphere.  Local artists, musicians, entertainers and skilled experts are invited to participate or perform during the festival. The district will provide most venues and registration is free. MCPS is seeking local businesses and community organizations to assist with sponsoring various events. I spoke with District One Fine Arts Supervisor John Combs about the event. That interview is attached.

Applications to participate in the festival are due Friday, March 2. Forms can be found at the following: MCPS website:  www.mcps.k12.mt.us

All MCPS school offices

At  Jefferson Center, 1700 South Avenue West

Contact John Combs, MCPS Fine Arts Supervisor, at 728-2400, ext. 5080.

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