Missoula Current

Transportation official: Safety improvements not a ‘war on cars’
In 2023, there were 2,742 traffic accidents in the city, most of which were along these roads.

City approves open space funding to purchase Northside park
The city will purchase the 5-acre parcel from the Resurrection Cemetery Association for roughly $2.1 million.

City gives final approval for Southgate Crossing purchase
The Missoula City Council on Monday night gave final approval to acquire a Midtown parcel for redevelopment into a new neighborhood.

Missoula Parking Commission eyes $7M rebuild of parking garage
The Missoula Parking Commission on Tuesday took another step toward rebuilding the Bank Street Parking garage.

City proposes river restoration, recreation project at Broadway Island
The area includes Silver Park and the Broadway Island, along with the old Flynn-Lowney irrigation ditch.

Water court to assess lower Clark Fork water rights
Another round of adjudication has begun for historic water rights in the lower Clark Fork River basin.

City, partners sign closing documents for Scott Street land trust
The property represents a small piece of the 19 acres purchased by the city several years ago.

Board recommends approval of 97-lot South Hills subdivision
The board voted unanimously in support of Meadowview Partners’ request to rezone a 31-acre parcel on Hillview Way to better align with the city’s land-use designation.

City to explore second Bus Rapid Transit option on Brooks Street
The request for a second concept was driven largely by local businesses and project advocates.

County to consider Grant Creek Crossing district, infrastructure
Given the property’s location near the urban core, advocates of redevelopment say storage isn’t the highest and best use of the property.