Breast Cancer is a very serious issue. According to the National Breast Cancer Foundation, one in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime. Breast cancer is also the most commonly diagnosed type of cancer in women and is the second leading cause of death among women.

A good way to keep track of your breast health is by doing self-breast exams regularly. This will help you to notice any unusual changes, such as lumps or thickening, that occur. Regular exams also help you to recognize what is normal for your breasts.

Not surprisingly, and as with almost everything else now, there is also an app for that. Yes, there is an app to remind you to do regular self-exams of your breasts. This app takes a much lighter spin on this serious issue. However it is a spin that I’m sure most women will enjoy. I have to admit that I will be downloading this app and will be greatly looking forward to my exams.

Joy Larson is a mother of four boys, graduate of The University of Montana, animal lover and writer.

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