Charges Revised in Missoula Motel Double Homicide
After further investigation in the double homicide that occurred at a Missoula Motel in October, the Missoula County Attorney’s Office has revised the charges against the two defendants, Jonathan Whitmore and Preston Rossbach.
Deputy Missoula County Attorney Jordan Kilby provides details from the amended documents.
“Jonathan Whitworth is now being charged with two counts of deliberate homicide, one county of attempted deliberate homicide and one count of intimidation,” said Kilby. “Preston Rossbach is being charged with two counts of accountability for deliberate homicide, two counts of intimidation and one count of assault with a weapon.”
Kilby detailed the reasons behind the new charges.
“The allegations are that Jonathan Whitworth used a firearm to cause the death of Jason Flink and Megan McLaughlin and that he also shot Kaleb Williams,” she said. “Additionally, Preston Rossbach, the allegations are that he stabbed Jason Flink and also Kaleb Williams.”
Kilby, the attorney prosecuting the case, added up the possible penalties for both men if they are found guilty at trial.
“Jonathan Whitworth’s sentence could total 310 years in prison, while Preston Rossbach’s total prison sentence could be 240 years in prison,” she said.
She said no other individuals are facing charges at this time.