With the recent cool, wet weather in Western Montana, the Missoula County Fire Protection Association announced Thursday, September 26, that fire danger has officially been dropped from 'marginal' to 'low.'

Cindy Super, Fire Information Officer with the Department of Natural Resources and Conservation said the recent rains played a big part in Thursday's announcement.

"Initially, the rain didn't really get underneath the canopy, and that's probably still the case in some of the thicker stands of trees," Super said. "The rain certainly helped increase the moisture levels, so we're ready for low fire danger."

After looking at the damage created by the Lolo Creek Complex, Super offered advice for homeowners who live in the wildland urban interface who may face danger from wildfires in the future.

"Firesafe Montana is one resource people can use to learn about what people can do to prepare their homes and families if a fire comes," Super said. "Grant money is also available if people need help paying for their projects. We've got names of contractors that have good reputations and know how to do good work. They can also just check with their local fire department, or give us a call at DNRC. The winter is a good time for us to come talk to people about what they can do both with their house and if they have timbered lands around their house, about what they can do to help slow down or stop wildfires."

DNRC Fire Information Officer Cindy Super:


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