Jimmy Carter, one of America’s five living presidents is scheduled to speak in Missoula this month.

"We have President Jimmy Carter who will be coming to us from the East Coast via video on October 16, which is a Thursday, at 5:00," said Mansfield Center Director Abraham Kim. "He'll be presented here at the University of Montana's Gallagher building in room 106 and he'll be speaking to us for about an hour."

Even though the speech will be teleconferenced, Kim says that there will be opportunities to ask Carter questions. Furthermore, another expert on China will be there as well.

"In addition to President Carter, each location, including ours, will have a China expert on hand who will serve as a discussant. For here, we'll be having Dr. Robert Kapp, who is the president of the U.S.-China Business council and he is well versed on U.S.-China relations."

The University of Montana is one of 70 locations that was chosen to carry the China Town Hall teleconference. UM made the cut last year as well, when the chosen speaker was former secretary of State Madeline Albright.


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