Fox – Gianforte gets Failing Grades from Conservative Groups
Both Montana Attorney General Tim Fox and Montana U.S. Representative Greg Gianforte are running for the state’s highest office, Governor.
On Wednesday, Fox stated that Gianforte has received failing grades from some conservative accountability groups.
“We just learned that a couple of those grades came out and Congressman Gianforte, while he’s touting his conservative credentials on the campaign trail here in Montana it turns out he’s not conservative at all,” said Fox. “Two of those groups Conservative Review and Heritage Action have given Congressman Gianforte an ‘F’ for his lack of conservative voting including his support for amnesty for about 1.8 million illegal immigrants, his vote to abandon border security efforts, as well as a bill that empowered drug cartels and human traffickers, and he voted to increase government spending by about $81 billion, just to name a few.”
Fox also reacted to Gianforte’s comments that Montanans want a successful business executive in the Governor’s office in Helena, stating that Gianforte has abandoned his seat in Congress.
“There is no one that I have talked to that says Congressman Gianforte should leave and abandon his Congressional seat to run for Governor,” he said. “It’s also somewhat naïve for anyone to think that their experience in the business world is immediately and directly transferable to actually running government. He doesn’t have any experience in getting legislation through or crafting a budget for the State of Montana. Those are all things I’ve done as Attorney General.”
Fox said Gianforte is polarizing and will not be able to bring people together.
KGVO has reached out to the Gianforte campaign for a comment.
Running for Governor on the Democratic ticket are current Lieutenant Governor Mike Cooney, former state representative Reilly Neill, and House Minority Leader Casey Schreiner.
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