Gomez Gets Life Without Parole For Beating and Fatal Stabbing of Girlfriend
In Missoula District Court on Thursday, Judge Karen Townsend handed down a sentence of 100 years in the Montana State Prison without the possibility of parole to Emmanuel Gomez for the brutal slaying of Charlie Ann Wyrick.
Missoula County Attorney Kirsten Pabst, the lead prosecutor in the case, was in the courtroom for the sentencing.
"Emmanuel Gomez was charged with deliberate homicide and another count of partner or family member assault as a continuing course of conduct for his abuse and murder of Charlie Ann Wyrick last year," Pabst said. "The jury found him guilty on both counts in February, and he was sentenced yesterday."
Pabst said that before sentencing was handed down, testimony was given before Judge Townsend.
"Several members of Charlie's family testified, the defense put on a couple of experts, alluding to the fact that the judge would consider some mitigating information, and then there were some character witnesses for the defendant," she said. "The state recommended life without the possibility of parole due to the egregious nature of the crime and the brutality of it, as well as his risk of re-offense in the future."
Pabst said she was gratified with Judge Townsend's ruling.
"The judge handed down the sentence that we requested and agreed that he was a risk to the community should be ever be released, and sentenced him to 100 years in the Montana State Prison without the possibility of parole."
Pabst said Gomez' defense attorneys may appeal the sentence, though she had no knowledge of any such action at this time.
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