Hamilton Rally supports Trapper Creek Job Corps
Tuesday evening, Over 300 people filled the Bitterroot College auditorium to show support for the Trapper Creek Job Corps Center. The crowd heard from Trapper Creek staff, students and former students, alongside community members who told how Trapper Creek continues to change lives and help the Bitterroot Valley. Video messages from Montana Senators Tester and Daines were also viewed.
The Center south of Darby is one of the Civilian conservation Corps centers slated for a federal departmental shift from the Agriculture Department and US Forest Service to the Department of Labor with planned privatization of the job skills training centers across the nation. That move has members of the community concerned that Trapper Creek would not be able to help fight forest fires or provide help in community projects from the Winter Special Olympics to a community garden in Victor and numerous projects at the Ravalli County Fairgrounds. Those attending were asked to do more – write letters to Montana's Congressional delegation and the Agriculture and Labor Department Secretaries.
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