Another Missoula school has been graffiti'd with a bomb threat targeting not only the school, but particular students. Hellgate Elementary School Superintendent Dr. Douglas Reisig said the threat was found on a bathroom stall on the evening of Tuesday, September 17.

"Last evening, I got notification from the middle school administration that there had been some graffiti written on one of the bathroom stalls in the middle school," Reisig said. "The graffiti had specifically threatened two students, and had made some kind of veiled threat to either this Wednesday, next Wednesday, or some Wednesday in the future."

Reisig said that even though the graffiti looks like a copy cat crime of the Big Sky High School bomb threat from last week, that the school is taking the threat very seriously.

"We went through a search of the facility last evening; locker searches," Reisig said. "We felt that the facility was safe. That was when we notified parents to let them know that we would be having school today. We do have an increased police presence. The police have been wonderful in terms of responding. We don't have a major show of force or anything of that nature. We are trying to keep school as normal as it can possibly be. Obviously, it's a severe disruption to the academic program of our day, but the health welfare and safety of our kids is our number one priority. We'll get that taken care of and then we'll get back to our academic work."

Despite receiving news of the bomb threat from the school, many parents decided to send their children anyway.

"Our attendance is actually pretty good today," Reisig said, noting that even parents that had initially kept children home in the morning were sending them to school late.

An investigation into the bomb threat is still ongoing. Reisig did not know if an increased police presence would be scheduled for future Wednesdays.

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