Hey Missoula, If You’ve Been Waiting to Use ‘Trashy’ in a Text, Now’s the Time
'Trashy' isn’t the kind of text you want to send out to just anyone, but Clark Fork Coalition Stewardship Coordinator Katie Racette, says it’s exactly the right text if you want to get involved in keeping Missoula’s waters clean by joining the new 'Trashline'
"Trashline comes from the term hotline, it's basically a text messaging system. How you get on it is you text the word 'trashy' to the number 33222 and that gets you on the trashline list. Folks can then report trash or respond to text message alerts that we send out."
Racette says the concept of a trashline is new to Missoula and maybe to the rest of the world too.
"People report trash to the Clark Fork Coalition throughout the summer usually, and it is usually river access points that need some attention or spots along the river that are just hotspots for people dumping their trash... as far as I know, we are the only ones doing something like this.
Though the trashline is up and running right now, Racette says there have been no clean up calls reported yet.
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