Every third year the entire city of Missoula comes alive with the sound of music, with the International Choral Festival.

After years of planning, ICF President Thomas Trigg said the choirs are arriving in Missoula and will begin performing as they always do at Out to Lunch at Caras Park on Wednesday.

“We’re getting choirs from all over the world,” said Trigg. “Over the years, we’ve had choirs from every continent except Antarctica. We have folks coming inform the Baltic States, Lithuania and Estonia, from Hungary, from China, Indonesia and a bunch of other choirs, including the University of Montana Concert Chorale.”

Trigg said there are 11 choirs in all this year, eight from all around the world and three from the United States.

Trigg said there are free performances and others that require a $20 International Choral Festival button.

“To make it simple, everything on Wednesday is free,” he said. “Choirs will be singing at Out to Lunch in Caras park on Wednesday,” he said. “Choirs will also be singing in downtown businesses that afternoon at Conflux Brewing, the Dana Gallery, the Top Hat and the Florence Hotel. On Wednesday evening there will be a children’s choir performing at Bonner Park where there will be a combination City Band concert and five choirs from around the world, and all of that is free.”

Trigg said the $20 ICF button provides admission to all other events, although for all events children and under are admitted free.

Buttons are available at various grocery stores, online at the International Choral Festival Facebook page and buttons are also available at the ICF office at 312 East Pine Street.


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