Missoula’s 28th Annual Guerilla Drive Is Happening Now
The 28th Annual Guerrilla Turkey Drive is on now. We are asking for your help again this year with donations of turkeys and money. You can drop off your donations at 3250 South Reserve before Friday November 18th. We want to thank our partners this year, Missoula Electric Cooperative, Decker Truck Lines, and KPAX-TV.
The need for turkeys continues to grow every year. We spoke with agencies that we have helped the past few years and they all basically said the same thing, they are seeing record needs this year. We will once again be helping out The Darby Bread Box, the Haven House in Hamilton, Pantry Partners in Stevensville, the Mineral County Food Bank, Missoula Head Start and the Missoula Food Bank. All food donated to the Missoula Food Bank will also help towards the annual "Can The Cats" friendly competition between Missoula and Bozeman.

We understand that the price of turkeys this year has risen along with the price of most groceries, so if purchasing a turkey or two won't work for you this year, we understand. Any donation will help, if it money, if it is other food, we will make sure it all gets directly to the food banks that we are helping this year. If you have had a successful hunt this year, the food banks will take game, if it is processed professionally. We will be giving "Shout Outs" and "Thanks" to those that will be donating to our event this year. Thank you Western Montana for helping us out again this year.