Missoula, MT (KGVO-AM News) - Montana Secretary of State Christi Jacobsen has teamed up with an organization called ‘Vet the Vote’ to encourage military veterans and their families to volunteer as election workers and poll judges.

“A very heartfelt thanks to all of our vets,” began Secretary Jacobsen. “I come from a family where my son served in the National Guard, and I'm just very grateful to all of you who are who have served or are serving, and all of the sacrifices that you give up for our freedoms and for our country.”

Secretary of State Jacobsen Encourages Veterans to Volunteer During Elections

Jacobsen emphasized the courage that veterans have already shown to protect our country, and using that courage to continue to serve in the election season.

“It’s just super important to me that we continue to partner and serve the vets in our state; our wonderful state, and who better than the vets to be working as a poll worker and protecting our elections?”, he asked.

Jacobsen said the effort to get veterans to volunteer to help with elections has been successful.

Jacobsen Said Over 500 Veterans Have Signed Up to Volunteer

“For elections, we were obviously very excited to announce today that we had over 500 sign up; these are military veterans and family members who have signed up through Vet the Vote that are interested in being poll workers for this election,” she said. “We will continue to share the opportunity, and then after the election, we will continue working by sharing the stories of the election workers that are veterans or military family members, and what it means to them to be part of this process.”

As part of a public service announcement, Missoula military veteran Sam Redfern thanked Secretary Jacobsen for specifically inviting veterans to serve the state in this election.

READ MORE: Montana Secretary of State: ‘Ship Has Sailed’ to Change Ballots

Missoula Veteran Sam Redfern Joined Jacobsen in Getting Veterans Involved

“The sacrifice is worth it, and we didn't serve to be silenced,” said Redfern “Veterans voices and their kids and their nieces and their nephews are powerful, and thank you, Secretary (Jacobsen) for empowering the veterans in Montana and standing with them and working with Vet the Vote and other veteran organizations, I would just say thank you for your service, number one. Number two, get out and vote. And number three, if you have time, please come to the polling stations and help out.”

Get more details about Vet the Vote here.

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Gallery Credit: Kevin Miller