Missoula, MT (KGVO-AM News) - On September 22, 2023, a Missoula Police Department Officer was called to the Fast Trip gas station on Reserve Street for a report of drugs falling out of a patron’s pocket. While walking into the gas station, the officer was introduced to two employees who stated they had contacted 911.  

One employee stated she was working the register and observed a female walk in. She observed the female walk toward the door that connects the convenience store to the casino. She reported being behind the female at one point and observed a small plastic baggie fall from the female’s person onto the ground. 

The employee stated the substance inside the baggie looked like drugs. She bent down to retrieve it and consulted with her coworker, who believed the substance was likely methamphetamine. The officer asked the employee to retrieve the baggie, which she did from under a shelf behind the counter. The officer observed a white, crystalline substance that was consistent with methamphetamine, based on his training and experience.  

The employee identified the female, who was still in the casino, to the officer. The officer made contact with the female, who later identified herself as 42-year-old De’Ara Randles. The officer asked Randles to step outside and speak with him and she agreed. The officer asked Randles if she had any idea why he wanted to speak with her, to which Randles replied, “Absolutely, abso-f*****g-lutely.” Randles stated she had come to celebrate “winning the jackpot in the Mega Millions” and stated she had “just won a bunch of lotteries.” 

The officer asked Randles if she had celebrated with some drugs and Randles replied, “F**k yea, a little bit. Well, no, actually, you know what, they weren’t real f*****g drugs.” According to court documents, Randles continued to make nonsensical statements. At one point, Randles admitted to using methamphetamine a few hours prior and stated she smoked it out of a glass pipe. The officer utilized TruNarc and found the suspected drugs tested positive for methamphetamine. 

Randles was transported to the Missoula County Detention Facility. She is currently being charged with felony criminal possession of dangerous drugs.  

The information in this article was obtained from sources that are publicly viewable.  

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