Man’s Distinctive ‘Long Hair’ Linked Him as Suspect in Missoula Serial Car Thefts
Missoula police were called out to a business on North Reserve after a woman reported that her car had been stolen on Thursday afternoon, April 20, but it turns out she wasn't the only victim that day. Missoula Police Public Information Officer Travis Welsh explains.
"A woman reported that her vehicle had been stolen," Welsh said. "She had explained that she had stopped at this location to let her dog get out and play a little bit and left her car unsecured. When she returned, she found that it was gone. The officers spoke to an employee at this business who stated that they had observed a male trying to get into cars."
The woman's husband spotted the vehicle elsewhere in town and told police where it was, but by the time they arrived, another crime had occurred.
"They found the vehicle that had been reported stolen, but they also encountered another complainant who said that her vehicle had just been stolen," Welsh said. "She provided a description of that vehicle. The vehicle that had been reported stolen was stopped near Broadway and California. The driver of that vehicle, who was eventually taken into custody, has been identified as 27-year-old Robert Munnerlyn."
Both victims described their suspect as wearing a tank top and having "long hair." At the time of his arrest, Munnerlyn's hair was pulled back in a distinctively long, mullet-like mohawk. Munnerlyn now faces a felony charge for theft as well as a misdemeanor drug charge... it turns out he was carrying a personal supply of marijuana during the arrest.
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