While child care-givers such as babysitters and nannies have traditionally been women, the recent dip in the economy lead some men into the profession as well.

Dubbed “mannies,” the guys are often unemployed teachers, daycare workers or fathers.

Candi Wingate, president of Nannies4Hire.com, says she’s seen a 10 percent jump in men looking for childcare work in recent months, and Johanna Flattery with Care.com says there’s been a 30 percent increase in the number of men advertising for such jobs on her site since October 2008.

Greg Carroll, a 51-year-old former chef, is a divorced father of four and one of these mannies. While he’s never been paid to look after kids before, he certainly has plenty of experience with the ins-and-outs of childcare. “I’m a great dad… so I thought [it] might be something to look at,” he said.

Although some may be wary of hiring guys for such a position, Flattery says single moms with boys sometimes prefer it because it provides a male role model for their kids. Other parents who have sons like the idea because “men can ‘keep up with’ the boys and participate in activities.”

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