Missoula's own Miss Montana, Victoria Valentine contacted KGVO News on her way back from Boise, Idaho on Tuesday, after auditioning for 'America's Got Talent'.

Valentine, 22, said she traveled to Boise at the request of 'America's Got Talent' producers after they witnessed the talent portion of the Miss America pageant.

"When I arrived in Boise there were thousands of people there waiting to audition, but because I was personally invited by the show's producers, I was taken to the head of the line," Valentine said. "I got to audition for a couple of the producers first, and then they said that was great, so now we want to film you as you do the same thing for another group of producers. They put me in front of a green screen to do my talent again, and afterwards asked me some interview questions."

Valentine said she repeated her Miss America performance by singing 'Danny Boy', while accompanying herself on the harp.

Valentine said the producers told her she would find out in a few weeks if she would be invited on the live telecast of 'America's Got Talent'.


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