I think we are really fortunate in Missoula with some great grocery, produce and meat availability. MSN just released  Montana's best grocery store that isn't Walmart and the winner is here in Missoula.

What establishment in zootown took home the prize? They received points for creativity and as MSN put it "they don't just sell oranges", Orange Street Food Farm!  They also commented on the wine selection. I love OSFF, they also carry my favorite beer that is found in only a few places in town.

You can check out the rest of the states here. I enjoyed Pennsylvania GIANT food stores, with free wifi and bulk ready meals as well as kid friendly treats galore.

Photo https://www.facebook.com/Orange-Street-Food-Farm-138340932862278/
Photo https://www.facebook.com/Orange-Street-Food-Farm-138340932862278/

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