A curious Missoula neighbor discovered a burglary in process this morning, May 8, at about 10:30.

"A neighbor was in the Orchard Homes area on Grove street, on North Grove, in the 300 block there," said Missoula County Sheriff's Department Public Information Officer Paige Pavalone.  "He looked across the street and observed a suspicious vehicle. So, he waited outside the driveway and the when the vehicle - described as a white, 90's model Ford Ranger with a long cab - pulled out of the driveway it drove passed him at a high rate of speed."

The neighbor quickly gave chase, following the white truck in his own vehicle down River Road and then southbound on Reserve Street before the truck illegally crossed four lanes of traffic and disappeared eastbound on Third Street. During the chase, the neighbor was able to gather vital clues.

"He was able to get a partial plate, but he also observed that there were some golf clubs and fresh flowers in the back of the bed," Pavalone said. "The witness described the driver of the vehicle as a female in her young 20's with short blond hair and the passenger was a male with short brown hair."

Later investigation showed that, indeed, golf clubs and red flowers were missing from the home where the pursuit began.

The letters on the white truck's license plate were K – D – C, and the truck had Montana plates.

Anyone with information in this case is advised to call 911 or the Missoula County Sheriff's Department.

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