Montana Attorney General Gathering Information On Combating Substance Abuse In Montana
The problem of substance abuse has exploded in recent years throughout Montana, so Attorney General Tim Fox is marshaling the entire state to focus on the problem, and some possible solutions.
Spokesman Eric Sell provides details on the attorney general's plan.
"Last month, Attorney General Fox announced a program with the acronym AID Montana, which stands for Addressing the Impact of Drugs," Sell said. "This is going to be a comprehensive initiative from the Montana Department of Justice to develop a strategic plan to address the problem of substance abuse in the state It's really more than just law enforcement. It's treatment, education, coordination and outreach. Pretty much everything that needs to be done to address this problem, because, let's face it. Right now, we're not doing enough."
Sell went on to chronicle the many ways Montanans can get involved.
"We have a website and a web page, and we also set up an email address that's AID MT@mt.gov, and we have a Facebook page, as well," Sell said. "Any of those ways you can send us your ideas in combating substance abuse."
Sell said Attorney General Fox will be announcing several listening sessions throughout the state later in the fall, and will eventually gather all the material together to present to the 2019 Montana legislature.
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