Montana Insurance Commissioner Monica Lindeen has released the price list for health insurance policies that will go on sale October 1 as part of the final roll-out of Obamacare's insurance industry overhaul.

Lindeen's press secretary Jennifer McKee described the policies that Montanans will be purchasing in the Marketplace Exchange.

"What Montanans will be buying is comprehensive insurance," McKee said. "Folks who survived cancer or who had some other kind of serious medical problem will no longer be denied coverage or priced out of the market. We're getting good insurance for everyone at prices that look like Montanans can afford."

McKee said each policy, no matter how inexpensive, must cover ten essential services.

"They include hospital visits, surgery, doctor's office visits, prescription drugs, mother and newborn care, lab work, dental and vision care for children, preventive care for chronic diseases, emergency room services, mental health and chemical dependency services, and rehabilitation services including speech therapy for a child that may be non-verbal," McKee said.

What each person will pay may sound a bit confusing, but McKee clarifies the policies.

"The rates are one thing, but what people will actually pay is another," McKee said. "The rates vary from around $113 dollars for a child, while the more expensive plans can run into the $600 per month range. However, that is not what the average person will pay. Anyone whose income is less that 400% of the national poverty rate will qualify for some kind of tax credit to bring down the cost of health insurance. In some cases, that $600 per month bill might be as low as $266 a month for a family of three. In addition to a tax credit for the premiums, you will even receive a subsidy for your visit to the doctor's office."

Get details about the rates and the Marketplace Exchange at the commissioner's website.

Press Secretary for Monica Lindeen Jennifer McKee


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