The Western Montana Fair is finally here and in celebration of the week-long event, Mountain Line will be providing zero-fare transit service to and from the fairgrounds! Topher Williams with Mountain Line said anyone heading to the fair is eligible for the service:

"If you're heading to the Western Montana Fair, tell your driver that you're heading there, and you'll get your fair transit," Williams said. "You can also take one of our easy access special shuttles. We have park and ride locations where parking is free. Buses will be serving the Lewis and Clark Transit Center, Dornblaser Stadium, and Southgate Mall every 20 minutes from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. and every 10 minutes between 4 p.m. and 11 p.m."

Williams added that this year, Mountain Line is starting something new:

"We're providing what we're calling 'Happy Hour Service' to the fairgrounds starting at 11 a.m. and continuing to 2 p.m. as a way for folks to unwind during their lunch hour by heading out to the fair," Williams said. "One more thing for folks to remember is they just need to ask their driver for a $1.00 off admission to the fair; just talk to them when you get on the bus!"

Williams said the new “Happy Hour Service” goes all week long.

He added that the free coupon for a dollar off fair admission can be used any day of the week while the fair is in town.

For more information on the bus routes going to the fair this week, click here.

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