You know about Groupon — once a day, it offers you a cut-rate deal on everything from massages to restaurant dining. A new daily-deal site in San Francisco is now hoping to use the same method to improve your health.

Zipongo doesn’t just save you money, it encourages you to make better decisions by pairing its deals on natural foods with a lifestyle tracking app to help monitor your eating, exercise, and lifestyle.

Founder Dr. Jason Langheier was inspired to start the site by two kids he met while helping start a pediatric obesity clinic at Boston Medical Center. “They got no physical activity, but liked swimming,” he says. “Yet, their single mom didn’t even realize they could apply to swim for free for the summer at a YMCA three blocks from their apartment.”

He hopes his healthy deals expose subscribers to new, natural foods, and that the Zipongo zLife app (currently in beta) and website tools will help people discover healthier lifestyles outside the grocery store.

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