Montana’s U.S. Senators Max Baucus and Jon Testers’ pipeline safety and transparency legislation passed today. The Senators introduced legislation this summer to address gaps in pipeline safety oversight and transparency that came to light as a result of the oil spills in Montana’s Yellowstone River and Cut Bank Creek. Parts of the Baucus-Tester legislation were included in a larger pipeline bill that passed the House tonight, and Senate is expected to take up the legislation later this week.

The Baucus-Tester pipeline safety provisions adopted in tonight’s bill will:

1. Modernize pipeline safety regulations based on best available data, with a specific focus on floods.

2. Increase transparency by requiring pipeline regulators to make oil spill response plans publicly available.

3. Provide technical assistance to tribes regarding pipeline safety.

4. Require the Department of Transportation to review and update its regulations for gathering lines, leak detection standards, and automatic shut-off valves.

The Senators will continue working to ensure local governments have a stronger voice in spill cleanup.

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