RMEF Tops $1 Million in Elk Habitat Research throughout USA
In 2019, the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation has allocated over $1 million for elk related research throughout the country.
RMEF spokesman Mark Holyoak explains the emphasis the organization places on research.
“A lot of people don’t know about is all the research we do,” said Holyoak. “Our mission is to ensure the future of elk, other wildlife and our hunting heritage, but you really can’t do that unless you know a lot about what’s going on out there, so in our efforts to gain more information we’re involved in research efforts across the board. We recently topped $1 million in elk related research just in 2019 alone. We’re involved in a lot of research in a lot of places and we’re just trying to acquire all the knowledge we can.”
Holyoak said much of the most current research is focused on the effects of wildfires on elk and elk habitat.
“One of the things in the news is what is the effect of wildfire on elk, their habitat and their forage?” he said. “When a place burns, how do they use it? Do they stay away or not? Researchers are looking into that and continue to monitor elk movement in and around fire-affected areas just to see how they respond.”
Holyoak said researchers are continually compiling information to be applied in the future.
“One of the things that we found through this research and other projects is that when a landscape has fire on it in the form of a prescribed burn or a raging wildfire that can actually ruin a root system, this research is ongoing, and will be utilized at a later date.”
Holyoak encourages anyone interested in preserving wildlife and habitat to become a member of the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation. For more information click here.
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