State Auditor Matt Rosendale is working with legislators of both parties to override Governor Steve Bullock’s veto of a bill that is estimated to save Montanans around $8 million on prescription drug costs.

The bill is SB 71, and Rosendale is hopeful that the support shown for the bill during the legislature will result in a veto override.

“There was so strong of a vote for that legislation that it automatically triggers a ballot to be sent out to the legislators,” said Rosendale. “We didn’t even have to request it. The bill had such strong support that a veto override ballot has been sent out. That has been done, and what we have to achieve is a two-thirds majority in each chamber.”

Rosendale related the original votes for SB-71 in each chamber of the legislature.

“We already achieved those levels during the regular session,” he said. “So, we need 34 votes in the Senate, and we got 37 votes during the session. We need 67 votes in the House and we were able to get 71, so all we have to do is for each of the legislators who already supported this bill to continue to support it so we can reduce the cost of prescription drugs for the people of Montana.”

Rosendale admitted that overturning a Governor’s veto is rarely done.

“It’s very difficult,” he said. “We know that it doesn’t happen very often. I think it’s probably been a couple of decades since it has happened previously, but I am hoping that with the bipartisan support that we were able to achieve bringing this legislation through the session, that they will continue to support this legislation.”

Rosendale said that legislators have until June 14 to return their ballots, and he encourages all Montanans to contact their legislators to ask them to continue their support for SB-71.

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