Severe Thunderstorms, Wind and Hail Possible on Saturday
According to the Missoula National Weather Service Office, there is the potential for severe thunderstorms in western Montana on Saturday afternoon into the evening hours.
Possibly heavy rain and severe thunderstorms are possible from 2:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
The thunderstorms could include wind gusts to over 50 mph, as well as hail that could be up to one inch in diameter or larger.
With winds gusting over 50 miles per hour, there could be damage to trees and power lines, and the heavy rain could bring flash flooding especially in communities with burn scar areas.
There will also be frequent lightning strikes that could start holdover wildfires.
The area affected includes Missoula, the Bitterroot Valley, all the way to Helena, Butte and Bozeman.
The storms have the capability of affecting outdoor events, such as the Western Montana Fair in Missoula.
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