Montanans love their guns. We know that. But if you love your guns, you also typically love your blades. Check out this new "Blade Room" here in Montana.
Bartmess: It's time for some accountability in Lewis & Clark County, Montana. Not just for what they did to local business owners in the name of COVID-19, but also for how they continue to pile on to the burden of local taxpayers.
I remember when I got to attend a press conference and chat with Elon Musk in Butte, Montana back in 2013. This was the line that stood out to me after he was asked about rare earth elements and developing those resources here in America instead of China.
I was strolling down Broadway in Billings after my haircut at Rebels & Razors and I had to stop and backpedal for a few steps. That looks like a new store...I better pop in there...and man- that place was cool.
Why are there so many car wash businesses popping up all over the place? I hear this complaint in Billings all the time- but apparently it is a question people all over the state are asking. Here's the answer.