
Missoula May Hire New Firefighters
Missoula May Hire New Firefighters
Missoula May Hire New Firefighters
As of January 30, 2012, more than 380 million dollars is available for fire departments nationwide. The money is available through the Safer Act Grants, which were put in place by the Department of Homeland Security. SAFER is an acronym that stands for Staffing for Adequate Fire & Emergency Response. The goal of the SAFER grants is to ensure that fire departments have enough staff members to respond
Missoula County Seeks EPA Grant for Asbestos
Missoula County Seeks EPA Grant for Asbestos
Missoula County Seeks EPA Grant for Asbestos
Missoula County plans on applying for a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Grant. The grant, known as the Brownsfields Multi-Purpose Pilot Grant is meant only for "community based organizations" and requires those organizations to conduct community notification before submitting a request. According to the E.P.A.'s frequently asked questions site, which you can read here, only one project per region will receive the grant and a total of $550,000 is possible for cleaning up the chosen site. The Missoula County request would be used to help clean up asbestos at the Missoula County Courthouse.