40% of the cost of housing simply comes down to government regulations and red tape. That was one of the major takeaways during our recent chat with a great Bozeman, Montana homebuilder- Eugene Graf.
What are the two worst places in Montana for school teachers to find housing? Despite massive growth across the state, the answer should come to no surprise for anyone following local issues.
A huge construction project is set to begin at the University of Montana in August of this year: a new $100-million, 600-bed residence hall to replace three existing dorms: Elrod, Craig and Duniway.
Get a detailed look into this newly listed $13,000,000 property out in Darby, MT. It is quite the spectacle and definitely worth a look, whether you can afford it or not.
We also came across an older article on our KMMS Radio website from 2010 with this headline: "Bozeman is Growing and Growing." They hadn't seen nothin' yet.
Citing a range of possibilities and a unique opportunity, the Missoula Redevelopment Agency on Thursday approved a request to fund due diligence on a vacant 10-acre property in the Midtown district.
Did you see that story about the run down million dollar Whitefish home that went viral? Let's compare that house to Mar-a-Lago and it puts the absurdity of this political persecution of President Trump into perspective.
While the City of Missoula works to reform its building and zoning codes to streamline the development process and create more housing, it's also racing to meet state-mandated deadlines regarding laws passed by the Legislature earlier this year.
A developer's appeal of the Historic Preservation Commission's denial of their project to build housing on private property while restoring the historic hospital at Fort Missoula will be heard early next year, members of the City Council said on Monday.