Absolutely disgusting. Just days after the worst attack on Jewish civilians since the Holocaust and here you have out of state folks dressed like masked up Neo Nazis and Missoula Democrats protesting against Jews and Israel on the same day.
Jeremy Carl is a Senior Fellow with The Claremont Institute who lives in Bozeman. We discussed a couple of reasons why we believe this is the height of the nonsensical "woke" movement.
Terrorism Concerns: "This is not just an issue Israel's confronting right now in it's backyard and front yard, it's what the United States has in our territory as well."
Ryan Zinke served in a hornets nest called Fallujah. Any attempt to rescue American and Israeli hostages would also place rescue forces into a hornets nest.
This is a must-listen to overview of what is going in the Middle East with Israel and Hamas, and how the fascist regime in Iran is pulling the strings of terror. The University of Montana's Dr. Mehrdad Kia is not only Montana's leading expert on the Middle East, he is one of our nation's finest experts as well.
AG Knudsen: "I think Montanans and Americans are right to be concerned about this with the southern border as wide open as Joe Biden has made it. It's naive to think we don't have some of these militants here in our country."
We spoke with Rabbi Chaim Bruk on Monday morning from Bozeman. He says the terror attacks that just occurred in Israel are the equivalent of Israel's Pearl Harbor and 9/11 combined. Vigil planned for Tuesday in Bozeman.