One obstacle new Montana farmers and ranchers face is aquiring land, but now there's a new program through the U.S. Farm Service Agency designed to help find a way around those barriers.
Preliminary approval has been given by Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks to increase the number of Mountain Lion permits in the West Fork Bitterroot areas from 20 to 30. The recommendation was approved Thursday.
The approval follows an elk predator study conducted by state game managers. In ...
Billings is expecting a special visitor in May; former president George W. Bush will speak in the magic city as the keynote speaker at The Montana Missions banquet, a fundraiser for Provision International.
The FBI is asking property owners in parts of North Dakota and Montana to check vacant farmsteads for signs of disturbed soil where the agency says a missing Montana teacher might be buried.
Earlier Sunday, authorities released the names of two Parachute, Colo...
The FBI and local officials say the ground search for a missing high school teacher has been suspended but law enforcement will continue to pursue leads in the case.
Gas Prices in Montana took another dip, quit the opposite nationally. Petroleum Analyst Patrick DeHaan says to expect prices in Montana to follow suit eventually with the nation.