The California craziness is now coming to Montana. A liberal judge in Yellowstone County is trying to place a man in the Montana Women's Prison in Billings, Montana.
Look, you want me to call you Sue. I'll call you Sue. Even if you are a boy named Sue. Maybe you're like Johnny Cash and you want me to call you "Frank or George or Bill or Tom, anything but Sue."
The big question coming up at the national level is this: did Montana child protective services remove a child from her family because they didn't support her wishes of identifying as a boy? The State of Montana says no.
From the "LibsOfTikTok" to the Manhattan Institute's Chris Rufo- conservative commentators are piling on: we understand something like this would happen in California...but it's happening in Montana?
Several listeners were sending me a video that has now been removed from Facebook following a court order by a judge here in Montana. In the video, the Glasgow, Montana family talks about how they had their daughter taken from them by the state, and placed into care that started "transitioning" their daughter.
If you haven't heard, the Big Sky Worldview Forum has an incredible speaker for this weekend's event in Billings, Montana. Matt Sharp is the Senior Counsel with the Alliance Defending Freedom.
Leor Sapir is a senior fellow with the Manhattan Institute who has been challenging the claims of out-of-state transplant Dr. Lauren Wilson, who now lives in Missoula and is constantly pushing the transgender agenda targeting kids.
Two transgender Montana teenagers and their families, along with two medical providers of gender-affirming care in the state, are challenging Montana’s newly signed law that bans the treatments for minors and opens practitioners up to professional punishment and lawsuits.