Terrific Montana Agriculture Updates Begin Online
Wintertime is a good time for ag producers to check on the latest developments in the farming and ranching spectrum. And it can be a good time for young people to find out what the industry is all about. Montana State University is providing a virtual "leg up" to all types of information dealing with our markets.
The 2022 Montana's Next Generation Conference is a free 6-part series that starts this Tuesday, January 11. The sessions will be Tuesdays and Thursdays this month. A Montana State University news release described the conference as providing "livestock and crop producers of all ages with tools and information to be successful."
Topics will include recordkeeping, markets, crop production, markets, succession planning and other business topics. An added benefit for Farm Service Agency borrowers is if they "attend" at least three sessions and complete the quiz and evaluation, they will complete their borrower training requirements.

To register, call Kari Lewis at 406 873-2239 or karilewis@montana.edu. The links will be https://tinyurl.com/3py9unt9 or a link at mtnextgen.com.