The Witches Again Celebrate on Bicycles in Hamilton
It was a beautiful fall day when the witches came to town. Saturday afternoon, at about 5:30 p.m. the Hamlton River Park by Haynes Football Field began to fill with women in black, wearing pointy hats. Most of them had bicycles (some equipped with brooms!), and all of them were smiling and having a good time. KLYQ was there to record the festivities.
The event date and time is always spread by word of mouth and some comments on social media. The numbers have increased exponentially in the last couple of years, with hundreds participating this autumn. After a circle gathering in the field of the Hamilton park (see photo below), the group hops onto their bicycles and follow a seemingly random route through the residential and business areas of Hamilton.
Some of the intersections were targeted for some extra bicycle circling and the evening activities were spread throughout public houses and restaurants. Even though we don't know of any actual "practicing" witches in the eclectic group, we wonder why the weather seems to always be good on the day of this event. Hmmmmm. Could it be magic?
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