Two Ravalli County Schools Locked Down on Monday
There were threats at two separate schools in Ravalli County on Monday and both were locked down for the protection of students and staff.
Ravalli County Sheriff Steve Holton said the first incident occurred at Florence Carlton School.
“We’ve actually got two school incidents going on today,” said Holton. “The one in Florence was a juvenile male over the weekend on a social media platform posted some threatening statements about violence at the school. Two different students brought that to the attention of the school resource officer. The suspect actually wasn’t in school today. The deputies were able to track him down at his house and took him into custody for felony intimidation, and so that lockdown was lifted later in the morning.”
Holton said the second incident occurred at Lone Rock School.
“At Lone Rock, a threatening not was found inside a student’s locker,” he said. “We have deputies and detectives up there investigating that. There were lots of law enforcement officers at both campuses today. Everything is safe right now, it’s just a matter of tracking down the author of that note and probably levying some criminal charges there.”
In Florence, Holton said students were allowed to go from class to class, they just weren’t allowed to leave the building until the lockdown was lifted.
“At Lone Rock, it’s just the junior high that is affected, because that’s where the note was found, so those classes are locked down,” he said. “We have deputies in the classrooms and on the campus. I feel the school itself is safe, but now the investigation is underway at the school.”
No injuries were reported at either school and the Ravalli County Sheriff’s Office is investigating both incidents.
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